Answers to some of your most frequently asked questions:
Where will the replacement parking be constructed? Replacement parking will be constructed near the corner of Colesville Road and Georgia Avenue at 8615 Georgia Avenue. The property is currently a surface parking lot owned by Lee Development Group. The surface lot will be purchased by United Therapeutics and transferred to the County upon completion of the new parking structure.
Where will the new parking operations facility be relocated? The parking operations facility will be relocated to 9150 Brookville Road and renovated according to the County’s specifications. The new facility will replicate the operations that currently exist in the parking operations facility and provide additional room for the County to utilize into the future.
What happens at the parking operations facility? The County’s parking operations unit has responsibility for the collection and the processing for deposit of all parking revenue, including revenue from individual meters, automated pay stations, cashiered facilities, parking permits, and parking fines. The unit also provides contract security guard services for parking facilities to detect and report theft, vandalism, and threats to personal security.
What steps will be taken to minimize the impact of the construction of the new parking garage on the Silver Spring community? United Therapeutics is committed to working with the selected contractors and community to minimize the impacts of construction. The current parking garage will remain operational as a County-owned and operated parking garage until the replacement parking is completed.
How many new parking spaces will be constructed? On behalf of the County, United Therapeutics will construct a new parking garage with 675 parking spaces.